Tudor Uniform Information
The school colours are maroon, grey, white and black.
Our emblem is the Tudor rose which is embroidered onto all our sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts. A logo sweatshirt or cardigan is required. Other items may be purchased from local shops without our logo or our online uniform shop with our lopo.
We do keep some good quality second hand uniform so please do ask at the office.
We also send some uniform that is no longer needed to our local Salvation Army shop in town so please ask for Tudor uniform.
All of these items are available online through following the link below.
We do stock some clothing for sizing purposes so if you are unsure which size to order please ask at the office and they will gladly help you out.
This is the link to order school uniform on-line.

School uniform:
Grey skirt, grey pinafore/trousers/skirt or black trousers/skirt/pinafore with a white polo shirt or blouse, school maroon cardigan or sweatshirt. Grey/white/black socks or tights, black shoes. (No trainers). In the summer months we have maroon striped summer dresses or red gingham summer dresses.
School uniform:
Black/grey trousers/shorts, white polo shirt or shirt, maroon school jumper, grey/black/white socks, black shoes. (No trainers)
PE lessons
Children wear black shorts and a white t-shirt. During the colder months, children may wear a tracksuit for outdoor PE lesson.
Only studs or sleepers earrings are allowed to be worn in school. No jewellery should be worn during physical activities, including watches. Any earrings should be removed NOT taped.