Curriculum Delivery
Our Local Area
We believe strongly that encouraging children to enjoy some of their learning outside is key to their mental health and wellbeing. We are within walking distance to the beautiful Sudbury Water Meadows, Gainsbourough's House and our local churches and library. We take many opportunities to enable our children to use these facilities throughout their time at Tudor. Our children also enjoy trips further afield too - to Cambridge, Stansted Airport, London Museums and also to the Suffolk coast, to name a few!

Our Tudor Curriculum
'I have come that they may life and life in all its fullness'
We have worked hard to make sure our curriculum that we offer our children reflects both their need and also our wonderful setting and context. Our school motto is:
'Live to learn and learn to live in fullness of life'.
We aim to give our children a rich and varied curriculum that will inspire and impact them their lives through. We offer enhancement activities every year to every child and share these opportunities with our families also.
We aim to teach the whole child and recognise their gifts and talents, and teach them to be thankful for them, and to use them for the good of their community.
One of our favourite stories is 'Only One You'.
In this story the children learn that
'There is only one you, go out and make the world a better place'.
This is our ultimate goal for all our children.
We are situated in the wonderful market town of Sudbury, the home of Thomas Gainsborough. The Gainsborough Gallery is on our doorstep and we aim to provide excellent art and design teaching and learning throughout our school. We work closely with both the Gainsborough Gallery and also The National Gallery in London and are currently involved in a project with The National Gallery and a school in California.
We are also blessed to be surrounded with water meadows and green fields. We aim to give our children experience of working with the soil and producing food to eat both in our classrooms and also our kitchen here at Tudor. The wonderful Constable countryside is our back garden!
Therefore here at Tudor Church of England Primary School, we have designed a curriculum to cater for the range of experiences that our children bring to our school and to reflect our desire for excellence in Art and Design, the Arts and working outside. We ensure that our children are all able to access the curriculum that we offer, providing support through an appropriate curriculum, or offerring challenge when it is required.
When designing our curriculum we used key drivers for most subjects that run througout that subject across the school. Each key driver has a corresponding symbol that is displayed on the children's books and serves as a reminder to them also.
We recognise the need to provide an aspirational curriculum that gives children an insight into the wider world, enriching their life experiences, and therefore each child's opportunity to maximise their potential so that they live 'life in all its fullness'.
These main drivers, together with our desire for all our children to learn in Fullness of Life, sit alongside the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to form our Tudor Curriculum. We use the Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum as a basis of our curriculum to help us structure the National Curriculum clearly, enabling pathways of progression through each phase in school.
We have created a 2 year rolling curriculum map for each phase in our school, where teachers work to enable coherent sequences of lessons, and therefore the subsequent learning to take place. Within this map, teachers are expected to take into account the specific needs and learning experiences for the particular cohort. These needs and opportunities are planned for in an enrichment map. The individual subject documents and the 2 year rolling programme can be seen and found under the individual subject tab at the side of this section of our website.
We always try hard to provide an exciting and rich curriculum that contains some key experiences for all the children throughout school. We plan these in to link with our topics, or local events. We aim to use a range of local resources - our local church, or local environmental opportunities as well as some experiences that take place further afield, in cities or contrasting locations. We believe its important for our children to be familiar with Sudbury, and Suffolk, but also their country and its capital cities and all that they have to offer too.
To meet this need we have designed a series of passports, which we call Life Enrichment Passports. Each year group has its own bespoke set to link to either Year A or Year B of our topic plans.
Year A 2023-2024

Remote Education.
If your child is unable to attend school for medical or recovery reasons then we will provide remote and online learning. This may take the form of online lessons in line with the class learning or additional and bespoke learning for your child if needed. The children all have a link to the website online learning platform in key stage 2. In key stage 1 this is achieved through our Tapestry platform for all parents to access.
This can be provided on paper also.
Please note this is for exceptional circumstances such as recovery post operation etc.