Our Early Help Offer.
At Tudor CE Primary School we understand that from time to time family life can have its complications. These may be the times when you need some extra help and support.
To support and advise you at such times we have an Early Help Offer.
Please see below for details of our leaflets, some helpful websites to visit and specific activities that take place regularly here at Tudor.
If you feel you or your family need any support at all then please don't hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help as much as we can.
We are enormously grateful to Mrs Jackie Dew who is our full time FSP here at Tudor for all the wonderful work she does with our families and children. Details of some of her work is below.
Mrs Maggie Smith runs our nurture class
Mrs Kerry Willet and Miss Hannah Tatum are our ELSA trained staff.
The Safeguarding Team can offer advice on a range of concerns or can signpost parents to other sources of information, help and support.
Our Safeguarding team is:
Mrs Liz Campbell
Mrs Jackie Dew
Mrs Emma Ince
Miss Natasha Williams
What sort of concerns might parents share with us?
A wide range of issues such as behaviour management, financial worries and debts, domestic abuse, housing concerns, mobility difficulties, bereavement and loss, cyber bullying - in fact any concerns which you are worried might be having a negative impact on your child(ren).
What might we offer in response to your concerns?
- The school's mental well being hub - triage system of support through daily conversations between the DSLs, Pastoral Lead/FSP, SENDCO and HT
- Family Support Worker full time 5 days each week
- Senior Mental Health Lead
- 1 x trained Feelings Group Practitioner
- 1 trained lego therapy practitioner
- 1 trained play therapy practitioner
- 1 trained music therapy practitioner
- 1 trained Thrive practioner
- 1 trained colour and art therapy practitioner
- 'My parents are separating' course run by trained practitioner
- Food groups run by FSP to promote healthy relationship with food
- 2 Elsa trained members of staff
- 1 full time nurture class open all day and every day run by trained staff
- YMCA counselling 1:1
- Breakfast Club
- After School Club
- Pick up and drop off taxi for your children if you are ever ill and cannot do it yourself
- Early morning calls to check everything is going well for school attendance
- Attendance at medical appointments if this would be helpful and reassuring
- Comprehensive induction program for children starting Reception class
- Signs of Safety toolkit
- In house safeguarding protocols (1 DSL, 6 ASLs, 2 named Governors)
- Bespoke learning interventions e.g. reading, maths, phonics
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Parent Information Sessions (academic and pastoral, eg Phonics workshops, County Lines workshops)
- SEND half termly Parent Drop ins (with class teachers)
- Garden work with The Country Trust/EYFS forest school
- A plethora of after school extra curricular activities
- Pupil Voice Opportunities in the Rainbow Group
- Gym Trail
- Government Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
- Use of washing machine/shower
- Pre loved Uniform/Swap Shop/uniform second hand shop in town
- Educational Welfare Officer support
- Curriculum provision and additional work from outside agencies support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe
Some useful websites that you might find helpful:
Please see the link just below for some very useful 2 monuite videos to halp with general parenting challneges.
For online safety tips follow the Two Johns on twitter:https://twitter.com/johnsthe2
https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/ (single parent support charity)
https://www.womensaid.org.uk/ (domestic violence support)
Childline: 0800 1111
Who might the school refer to?
- The Early Help Team
- Children and Young People's Services
- County Inclusive Support Service
- Counselling Services
- School Nurse
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Educational Psychologist
- The Wellbeing Hub
- NDD pathway
- Our local police officer/community officer to work with online and safety issues
- Young Carers
- Local Authority Family Services team
- Educational Welfare Officer
- Level 2 mentoring
Please see below for our well being leaflets which are available in our entrance as well as on our website here.
OneLife Suffolk are running Virtual Family Clubs
Families can refer by logging onto their website - onelifesuffolk.co.uk or by contacting them on:- 01473 718193
More details regarding OneLife Suffolk Virtual Family Clubs can be found on the Resources Section of this page.
Please take a look at our Wellbeing Leaflets which we have made to help parents these leaflets can be found on the Resources Section of this page.
Afternoon Teas

