ISingPop concert was last Wednesday! It was a wonderful experience.
Please see photos for a few highlights of the rehearsals and the performance!
Welcome to our website.
You are most welcome to our website to find out more about what life is like at Tudor CE Primary School.
We hope that all the information you need is included in these pages and tabs but if you need any more information or would just like to chat to us then please feel free to phone us or email us and we will only be too happy to talk things over or show you around our lovely school.
The tabs on the left provide more detailed information about a range of subjects including a welcome message from myself.
Phone number: 01787 372005
We are enormously proud of our children and teachers here as we aim to provide both an outstanding education and life experience which will give our children the opportunity to 'live life in all its fullness'.
I look forward to welcoming you to Tudor CE Primary School very soon.
Please feel free to follow us on Facebook.
Mrs Liz Campbell
Head Teacher
Tours for new children wishing to start in September 2025 have now finished and we look forward to welcoming the children and their parents later in the year.
Please see below our short film showing our latest Art gallery. The children here have wonderful talent and we were delighted to show this to parents and key people from the town. Many thanks to our Town Mayor and also the staff from The Gainsborough Gallery for coming to support us.
Picture News!
We are officially a 'Picture News Advocate' school.
This is the logo we are very proud to use on our letters and website.
Ofsted Report 2024.
We were delighted to welcome Ofsted in February 2024 and were absolutely thrilled with their report.
Please follow this link to read the full report.
Science Mark Award News!
We are delighted to let you all know that we have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark. Many thanks to Mrs Pryce-Hall and all the staff for their hard work in raising the profile and status of science in our school.
Well done everyone!
The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire.
Helen Sizer, PSQM Co-Director said: ‘By enabling effective science leadership, PSQM is powering the potential of all children to see the relevance and importance of science in their lives, now and in the future. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning and the profile and quality of science in each accredited school is very high. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, headteachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”
These are the times for the classes:
Start times.
EYFS and Key Stage 1
Kentwell and Sutton Class 8.50am start. Please walk your child across the main playground to the 'coconut house' and the teachers will meet you there at 8.50am.
Melford 8.50am start. Please drop your child at the pond gate with Mrs Moore or Mrs Wallace-white
Felbrigg 8.40am start. Please drop your child at the pond gate with Mrs Munnings.
Hatfield 8.40am start. Please drop your child at the pond gate with Miss Dixey.
Key Stage 2.
All the children in key stage 2 can come to school through the main green gates by the playground between 8.40am and 8.50am. They will go straight to their classroom. The class teacher and TA will be waiting there for them. The registers will be taken at 8.50am.
Going home times.
All parents and carers can come to the classroom door in the case of key stage 1 and EYFS or the playground in the case of Key stage 2.
Mrs Munnings and Miss Dixey’s class will go home at 3.10pm
All the other classes will go home at 3.20pm.
We understand it might take a week or so to get used to this new arrangement which is much like it used to be before Covid.
Please take a moment to look through our school brochure and leaflet.
There are copies for all new parents from our school office.
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.
We spent a wonderful day this week reading the book, watching the animation and thinking about the inspoiration quotes and ideas contained within the book.
We reminded ourselves that it takes courage to ask for help, kindness can be a goal in life, shedding tears can be a sign of strength and not weakness and the storm will pass. It was a truly uplifting day for both the children and the parents.
We hope you enjoy seeing all our lovely art work from the day. More will follow as it is finished and displayed around the school.
Find us on Facebook.
Children of the World Song.
The recording of 'Children of the World' song is now available on Spotify and Alexa.
Search 'Children of the World' Chris Warren.
The children from Tudor CE Primary and other MAT schools recorded this song at St Mathews Church in Ipswich a couple of weeks ago.
It is available to watch on YouTube. Please follow this link:
Happy listening and watching!
Tudor Allotment!
The Tudor Allotment is a continued project for this year! We are growing our own vegeatbles that we then use for our lunches at school.
It has been quite hard work to prepare the soil and the ground, plant the seeds and then tend for them carefully. But we have worked incredibly hard and we are now harvesting our food!
We have earnt our first badge from The Woodland Trust!
We are now Bronze award holders, and are almost there now with our Silver Award too. Check back soon and see if we have been awarded it