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GOSH Fundraising. 

After a whole year of organising and running events such as cake sales, cookie sales, ood socks days and serving afternoon tea to our community, the GOSH committee have raised more than their target of £1000, and instead raised a total of £1142. 

They took the money to London and visted the hospital that has been treating Ruby for 10 years. It was a very moving day to see the hospital and meet some of the people who help to make others' lives better by their skill and care. I think GOSH will continue to ave a very speacial palce in all our hearts. 

Many thanks to all our wonderful families for their support with this venture over the past year!

Please see some photo highlights of our trip to London! Hopefully a day never to forget.

You might also spot the chocolate fountain that just happened to be out on the day we visited the office for National Chocolate Day!!

Great Ormond Street Hospital.

We are starting our year long fundraising event for Great Ormond Street Hospital in grateful and thankful recognition for all the help, care and support one of our year 6 pupils has received over the years. 2 girls came to me earlier in the year and asked if they could do this and Ruby has joined them in their campaign.

You all received a letter this evening detailing the events.

First event is a cake sale.

Please support these activities generously if you are able, we really want to say a heartfelt thanks to the hospital for all their care and attention to Ruby.

We are delighted to announce we raised over £150. Many thanks to everyone who donated. 

Our next event is in November 2023, an odd sock day!


Foodbank Generosity.

The children in year 2 visited our local foodbank and were so touched by their wokr they decided to collect some food to give to the Foodbank.

They delivered it to the bank at the end of last term.

This is an account of their visit to the Foodbank. Many thanks to The Vinyard Church.

 Today we enjoyed a visit to Store House Food Bank. The children learned the purpose of the food bank and the importance Vineyard Church places on treating everyone who uses it with dignity. We were shown the storeroom where Ryan explained to us the different types items they are able to give to people and how they decide what to give to people. Kady then helped the children to work in small groups to pack bags which will be given to the local community. Each group had a list of items which they must include and the children were encouraged to think about what the person receiving the bag might like. I was ever so impressed with the thoughtful questions the children were asking and how much they loved helping people in the community. 😊
Thank you so much to Vineyard Church for allowing us to visit and experience this. It was ever so worthwhile. 😊


Turkey Disaster

Following the dreadful news of the earthquake in Turkey this week, some of our children came and asked me if they could organise a fundraiser. We have many Turkish families at Tudor and we wanted to show our support for them in their time of need. 

The children spoke to me, wrote the letter and organised the Teddy Bear's picnic for today Friday 10th February 2023. 

We raised a total of £579 which is amazing. The lady from the Red Cross will be out to collect the money. 

Thank you everyone for your very kind donations. 

Well done to Asli, Millie and Sophia. 

Seesaw Animal Rescue Centre

The children enjoyed an assembly where Miss Williams spoke about their work with the Seesaw Animal rescue centre at Leavenheath. The children were impressed with the help she was offering by walking the dogs each weekend, that they decided they would like to do something to help the centre. They knew they couldn't offer to walk the dogs during the day because they are at school but they still wanted to help. 

They decided to do a cake sale to raise money to help with the running costs of the centre.

They held a cake sale on Friday 13th January 2023. 

They raised a wonderful £200 for the centre.  

Please see below for their letter they wrote to all our parents. 


Ukraine Crisis.

Thank you to everyone who raised money for the Ukraine crisis by dressing up in blue and yellow this week. We raised a total of £215.33.

Thank you to the Rainbow of Hope group for organising this event. 

Thank you to everyone who collected good for the people of Ukraine this week.

We sent a packed car to Lavenham to The Cock for their lorry to take to the Polish border. 

Raising money for St Nicholas Hospice by Izzy and Fred.

St Nicholashospice

Izzy did the most amazing job today assisted by Fred who also brought many items for sale in aid of St Nicholas Hospice.

Many of us are grateful to the hospice for the care and kindness it has shown our loved ones and it was an honour to help raise some money for this amazing place. They raised over £100 today alone.

Very very well done Izzy and Fred.

The raffle letters are coming out tomorrow and the raffle will be drawn on Thursday.

Cheer Boxes.

Christmas 2020.

This year we are asking families to donate any items for the cheer boxes such as fluffy socks, chocolates, Mince pies, slippers etc. 

Please bring all donations to school by December 11th. I will be delivering them on December 14th. 

If you know of anyone who might be lonley or isolated this Christmas please let me know and I will pass their name on for a Cheer Box. 

Let's work together to reach out to others in our community this Christmas. 

Remembering a Promise

Brodie in Sandringham class is working very hard following on from a promise he made earlier this term.

Several weeks ago our iSing Pop assembly asked the children to make promises as part of their reflection time. They were thinking how to care for the world God gave them.

Brodie promised to help look after animals. So he went home and looked up the numbers to call if he found an animal in distress so he knew who to call.

He also promised to think about waste.

He’s now cross with the amount of paper wasted on supermarket till receipts and is going to talk to the manager about reducing waste.

We wish Brodie all the very best in his project.

He has promised also to let us know how he gets on.

Australia Day

In response to the bush fires in Australia the children at Tudor have held a 'Come to school in the colours of the Australian flag' day. I am delighted to tell you we raised a total of £340 for the effort. Many thanks to everyone.

Real Citizenship

We are so proud!

We are so very  proud that these 3 girls went our of their way on Wednesday evening to help out an elderly gentleman and his wife when they were at a local supermarket. 

The elderly gentleman had lost his wife and car and these 3 girls, together with another headteacher who happened to be there, helped him find his wife, the car and helped him stay warm.

I found this out by a memebr of the public informing us.

We are very proud of their kindness, citizenship and compassion.

We are also very proud they kept themselves safe and didn't speak to strangers themselves without knwoing they were safe.



Community PCSO

 We are very grateful to our PSCO for spending time with us and talking to us about some dangers in the world and how we can keep ourselves safe. 

This is such a vital part of our learning as we grow up.

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