Latest SIAMs report
SIAMs Inspection February 2025
We were delighted to receive our latest SIAMs report, which spoke in glowing terms about the work we all do here at Tudor CE Primary School to ensure everyone in our community enjoys 'Life in all its fullness'.
Our inspector spoke to senior leaders, the children, parents of children here, teaching staff as well as attend assemblies, lessons, looked at books and display work, and enjoyed a detailed tour of our school looking at all the wonderful work on display.
Please see below a copy of the report but here are a few key highlights from the report:
'A friendly and mutually supportive community'
'An oasis of respect and compassion'
'Striking artwork is visible in every part of the building'
'The school's calm and focussed learning environment'
'A calm and friendly atmosphere'
'Pupils, staff and families are treated with respect and dignity'.
We were thrilled to see our hard work recognised and celebrated.