Our Rainbow of Hope Group
What do we do?
There is a representative from each class on our Rainbow Group.
We set up our Rainbow Group during the Covid crisis to help make our lives at school a little bit nicer and kinder and to help with our well being and good mental health.
We meet weekly to discuss ideas, find raise and generally make life at Tudor even more hopeful than it already is.
What did we do last year?
Last year we held a 'Show and Tell' day so everyone could choose to bring something into school to share with their class. This could be something about a hobby they have or a sport they enjoy or anything that interests them at home. This was a great way to get to know evryone even better and to find out how many talents we all have.
We have painted the grounds in our school and made paintings for our entrances outside to makle our school colourful and welcoming.
We have planted colourful flowers in the school ground to help welcome evryone onto our site.

What have we done already this year?
Library Project.
We noticed that we need to keep tidying the oibrary so we have suggested that each class has a librarian who can help to keep it tidy and also get to know what books are in here so they can help the other children in their class.
We have also appointed some environemntal ambassadors last week. We will explain to them their role this week.
House Points.
We thought it would be a good idea to have housepoints in school that match our colour T-shirts for PE. We asked all the classes what the teams could be called and the school decided on gems.
So here are the teams.
Red- Ruby
We can earn points for excellent behaviour, great effort in work or displaying the assembly value.
We introduced a 5 minutes peace each day where we listen to music and relax our minds.
We then disucssed with our classes and decided we wanted this to be 10 minutes peace.
We enjoy listening to peaceful music during this time. This time is a very important part to our day.
We discussed trying to keep our air clean and fresh in the classrooms and decided to try and raise some money to buy some Essential oils and vaporisers.
We held a dress up day on 28th January to raise the money. On 15th February we were able to deliver our vaporisers to our classes with the oils. Each class voted on which oil they would prefer, they chose between lavender for relaxation or peppermint for concentration and alertness.
Our Rainbow Dress Up Day for raising money for our essential oil diffusers.
We enjoy smelling nice smells and it helps to keep the air clean and it helps us to concentrate and feel relaxed.
Our money raised allowed us to buy every class a diffuser with an essential oil of their choice.
Our favourite ones so far are Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint.
Ukraine Day
We decided to hold a dress up day in the colours of the Ukraine flag to help rasie some money for the disaster appeal. Some of us have family who live in Ukraine, Poland, Czech republic and Bulgaria and we know some families who are needing to move quickly to stay safe.
We raised over £200.
Thank you everyone!