Collective worship
Our approach to collective worship is based upon Values for Life and linked to ISingPop resources also.
Christian values of:
Compassion, Courage, Trust, Forgiveness, Friendship, Thankfulness, Wisdom, Peace, Generosity, Creativity, Service, Truthfulness, Respect, Perseverance, Hope, Humility, Justice, Responsibility
Each term we focus on one of the above values to enable it to reflect in our school.
Through these values, daily acts of collective worship are planned to give everyone a variety of experiences to develop spirituality through reflection, as well as an understanding of Christianity and aspects of other faiths and cultures.
The experiences include involving children in sharing relevant stories from the Bible, images, drama, poetry, prayers, music, audio visual and singing.They enable us to reflect on and respond to things which we, as a school community, believe are important in preparing children to be responsible citizens now and in the future.
We have a reflective area in the our school corridor where we follow up the ideas shared in asembly. We might write short prayers, or short responses to the thoughts shared. This can also be a quiet space for reflections and thinking. We can us this area for gaining reassurance, wisdome and courage etc.
Collective worship takes place everyday at Tudor at 10.30 in the school hall.
It is at the heart of our school day and everything we do here.
Our value for this half term is:
'What does the Lord require of you, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God'.
Micah 6:8
Reflective Area.
Our reflective area is a space where children can write prayers in response to collective acts of worship. It is a calm and peaceful part of our school, where the children can sit and listen to calm music and also the sound of the runing water in the water feature, reminding us of the Water of Life.
This is our tree for prayers of thanks and just a couple of examples of the prayers the children wrote.
Lockdown Time
Same and Different.
This week we looked at how school is both the same as before and also different.
Things that are the same are: maths, phonics, teachers, friends, learning, the unifomr, displays, building.
Things that are different are: we wash our hands all the time, we have to stand 2m apart in the line, 1 way system, the sofa has gone frolm our classroom, the doors to the other EYFS classroom are closed now, we sit in rows, we come to school in our pE kit on PE days, we eat lunch in our classroom, we have different start and finish times, our tables are in rows, we can't sing, we are less social, we have our own play areas, we do not share toys.
We thought about how we can't sing at the moment. We thought about how all nature sings to us in it's beauty and in fact in the Bible it says in Psalm 66:
All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.
We looked at some nature singing to us:
The other photos are below! What a wonderful creation!!