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Religous Education at Tudor

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Above is a document to show the detail of our Long Term Plan for Year A (2021-2022) in RE across the school.

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator God. 

Mahatma Ghandi.

We are a Church of England school who are committed to the Christian Faith, recognising and valuing every individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God.

Religious Education at Tudor Cof E Primary is taught with reference to the Suffolk County County Council agreed syllabus 2012 and through the Emmanuel Project. Combined with this project and the close link we have with our local parish church, it enables the RE curriculum to be relevant, real and broad. The children are able to develop an understanding of Christianity and have respect for those with different faiths and beliefs.

The two year rolling programme is an efficient way of organising the different religions and introducing them gradually. This is the recommended order which most schools are using and therefore makes it easier to consult across schools and organise training together. For schools which have to fulfil the syllabus it ensures the balance of religions across year groups, including the need to ensure there is Christianity in each year group and that no other religion is taught more in a year group than Christianity i.e. not all the Hindu or Muslim units in the same year group. (Helen Matter RE Advisor)


We follow the Emmanuel Project for RE. This programme is followed from EYFS through to Year 6.

· Key vocabulary will be selected from each Emanuel Project unit, revisited and extended as children progress through the year groups

· Children will be taught using an enquiry cycle to engage, enquire, explore, evaluate and express their learning

· Learning will be recorded in both class scrap books and individual pupil books

· Explicit links between St. Gregory’s Church and local churches will be made where appropriate to support the teaching of Christianity

· Links will also be explored with people and places connected to other faiths

· Access to religious artefacts and faith books in particular The Bible , will be available to all the children

· Assessment will be through key questioning in KS1 and Bloom’s Taxonomy style quizzes for KS2 children


By the end of their time at Tudor Cof E Primary School, children will be gained knowledge to help them make senses of the world today and be aware of different faiths in this multicultural, diverse country such as Britain and the wider world. The teaching of RE will support the developed and understanding of both Christian and British values.

This is our two-year rolling programme –


Key Stage 1

Lower Key Stage 2

Upper Key Stage 2



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