PE at Tudor 2021-2022

PE Curriculum
PE premium, strategies and swimming information can be found on the 'Key Information' tab on the homepage.
Here at Tudor, we follow the objectives from the National Curriculum for PE, with our class teachers leading the sessions. The Government expectation is for each pupil to participate in at least 2 hours of physical activity.
A few photos from our sports day this year!
Keeping Active
With the aim of increasing the amount of time our pupils are physically active, we offer 'Break Time Challenges' for our pupils to participate in. The challenges focus on a skill or objective for the week, where the children are given the chance to learn something new or to develop their skills further.
Alongside these challenges, each class has a shorter slot in their day where they complete another form of physical activity. It could be a dance along or keeping up with a Joe Wickes workout!

PE Enhancement
We plan so that during their time at Tudor, our pupils are able to experience a range of different sports and activities in their PE lessons. KS2 classes will attend swimming lessons at the local leisure centre, whilst EYFS and KS1 pupils have a Dance session delievered by a qualified coach.
After-school sports clubs are a great way for our pupils to try a sport for the first time or to furthe develop their interest and enjoyment of a sport. The current after-school clubs are Football and Dance, although we hope to add to this throughout the academic year.