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After School Clubs Here At Tudor

We run many different after school clubs which are open for your children to join. 

They mainly run until 4.15pm and cover sports, drama and music.

Please see below for details of times and which member of staff runs it.

Please speak to someone from our school office if your child would like to join one or put their name down. Some of our clubs are heavily oversubscribed so we do operate waiting lists in this case. 

Autumn Term 2022.

 After School Sport Clubs.

We have many after school clubs running this half term.

MONDAY       -           ART CLUB – (after half term) 3.20pm-4.20pm

                              (pick up from the Playground)


TUESDAY       -           CHOIR – (STUDIO) 3.20pm-4.15pm

                              (pick up from the Playground)


WEDNESDAY   -           Boxercise - Hall.                                  


              THURSDAY     -          Drama for Lower Key Stage 2 children - rehearsing  Aladdin ready for the July performance at The Quay Theatre. 


FRIDAY         -           FOOTBALL (FIELD/HALL) 3.15pm-4.15pm

                              (pick up from the Playground)



If you would like your child to do football, go to https://prestige-sports.class4kids.co.uk/term/102


Please contact the office to book your child a place in the ballet classes.

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