Personal. Social and Health Education at Tudor

Above is a document to show the detail of our Long Term Plan for both Year A (2021-2022) and Year B (2022-2023) in PSHE across the school.

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education.
Martin Luther King Jr
At Tudor CE Primary school we firmly believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge and skills and attributes they need to manage their lives both now and in the future in order for them to thrive in all circumstances and enjoy ‘Life in all its’ fullness’. It helps pupils to keep themselves safe at the same time as enjoying their life and making healthy and wise choices. Because of the impact that high self-esteem and high aspirations can have on pupils, it also helps pupil’s achieve their potential and therefore their joy and peace in their lives. Here at Tudor we base our PSHE curriculum on the PSHE Association planning.
Most of PSHE curriculum became statutory for all schools from September 2020 under the Children and Social Work act 2017. This includes Relationships Education at Key stages 1 and 2 and Health education in primary schools. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the content relating to sex in the RSE curriculum but not the relationship element of the curriculum. Parents at Tudor have seen our curriculum and there is a policy specifically for Relationships and Sex Education.
The PSHE curriculum is built around 3 core themes:
Healthy Living
Living in the Wider World.
We have a 2 year rolling programme of units and PSHE is taught in units across the school. We use material from the PSHE Association of which we are a member school. Short term plans use a variety of resources from places such as NSPCC, Safer Internet Day, Anti-Bullying Week, Mental Health Awareness day etc. We also use material from the Ralationship Matters resource for Church Schools. Details of these can be found on the long term plan opposite.
Each class uses the same unit so as a school we teach the same unit. It is taught discreetly either weekly or blocked into a week of work depending on plans. Many elements of PSHE are included in our daily interactions and support given to pupils, e.g. managing friendships etc. It is also supported during our collective worship and also by visitors to the school such as health professionals or on-line safety workshops.
Relationships and Sex Education is taught to every age group with age appropriate material. Parents are able to view this material and do have a right to withdraw their child from the Sex Education if they feel it necessary. The Relationship and Health element of the curriculum is statutory and they may not withdraw their children form these elements. Evidence of learning is recorded in either topic books or scrapbooks and these are monitored each term.
The impact of our PSHE curriculum can be seen by talking to the children about their interest in the subject, seeing evidence in their books, on learning walls in classrooms and also on displays around the school. It can also be seen when observing children reconcile their differences or work collaboratively.
PSGE is closely monitored by the subject lead each term and the outcomes may inform action planning or SDP. It very closely links to safeguarding and picks up any safeguarding concerns that may be happening around the school or the community e.g. online safety issues or after school safety issues regarding friendships or gangs.