Keeping Children Safe: Child Protection
Our updated Child Protection Policy
Please see below for our policy. This was approved on Monday 9th October.
Please read the policy below which outlines our committment to keeping everyone safe at Tudor CE Primary School. It is our aim that all children and adults will thrive during their time with us and we will do everything we possibly can to enable that to happen. Please read the policies below to find out how we at Tudor Church of England Primary School aim to work together with you all to keep all of our children safe from harm. Please also see the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 in the document list.
The Safeguarding Individuals vulnerable to Radicalisation should be read alongside our Safeguarding policy. It gives guidance to schools and individuals who suspect radicalisation. There is also a parent information leaflet explaining the signs of radicalisation and extremism and how we can work together to keep our children safe from harm.
If you are at all concerned about any child then please feel free to come into school to discuss these with a safeguarding officer in school.
Please also see our Early Help Offer pages for more information about our work at Tudor.