Early Years Foundation Stage
Language and Development
We encourage children to make and develop friendships, to chat and explore their language through their play. We work closely with other professionals too, such as speech and language therapists.
Physical Development
Children in EYFS take part in bespoke PE sessions on our Sports Fields - and they enjoy these times a lot! A daily piece of fruit and some milk or water is also provided to encourage healthy food choices too. We have our own school kitchen here on site who provide a range of lunches for the children to enjoy. When its harvest time at our school allotments, they include the produce that we grow in the school lunch menu.
The Specific Areas
The Specific Areas of our Curriculum are
Understanding of the World
Expressive Arts and Design.
In maths, we enjoy playing with numbers, looking for patterns, discovering shapes and calculating simple addition and subtraction problems. We enjoy using The Number Blocks series to help us with our maths learning. We also use the Mastering Numbers approach, devised by the NCETM. Our Early Years staff had had recent training to help deliver this exciting approach.
Understanding the World
We take every opportunity to take the children's learning outside here at Tudor. We are so lucky to have our own specifically designed Early Years garden right outside our classroom, a new Woodland garden with a mud kitchen and vegetable beds, and lots and lots of Sports fields and playground space too! The children are encouraged to discover, to ask questions and to show us what they know already about the world around them.
The children are given opportunities to explore their local community, to observe and find out about people, technology and our local environment. We use our local area to go on trips to farms, the seaside and churches too.

Religious Education
We are proud to form part of the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich MAT. We follow their programme of teaching for RE. We visit our local church for special school services, and we take part in assemblies presented by visiting clergy too.
To the right is our Early Years Enrichment Passport. This is designed to support and enhance the children's learning opportunities in Early Years. These opportunities change annually, so they remain in line with our topical learning.
Here is our Long Term Plan in 2023-2024
"Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” -
Mr. Rogers
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -
George Bernard Shaw
EYFS at Tudor
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum 2020 at Tudor.
When children join us here at Tudor they become part of our Reception class. We do not have a nursery at Tudor.
We believe that young children learn best when presented with a rich range of learning opportunities and experiences. We use our outdoor garden, and our Woodland Garden as much as we can to provide stimulating, supporting and enriching learning activities, designed to meet our children's interests and needs.
In Reception, your children will learn new skills, new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through 7 Areas of Learning and Development. These are set out in the EYFS Framework.
There are three Prime Areas in our Curriculum - Personal and Social Development, Language and Communication, and Physical Development. These areas are key to your child's successes, their healthy development, and their future learning in the Four Specific Areas of our Curriculum.
Personal and Social Development
Our newly created Woodland Garden is ideal for promoting chatter friendships and giggles!
Phonics Teaching
We follow a careful sequence of teaching for phonics. We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme to support this, and to give a systematic and rigourous approach to our teaching of phonics, reading writing and spelling. The children in Early Years have a daily phonics session, which is then built upon throughout the rest of the day by our provision of other activities designed to encourage reading and writing.
We encourage the children to use their phonics, reading and writing skills throughout their day - objects are labelled to promote reading, we do letter formation and handwriting each day, and also provide both independent and carefully structured opportunities to devlop the children's writing and reading skills.
Expressive Arts and Design
We offer a balance of experiences for all our children to enjoy. Some are to promote independent creativity and some tasks are designed to teach new skills and techniques. We sing and perform in local churches, to our mums and dads in assemblies, and paint, sculpt, bake and dance lots and lots!
The Learning Journey
We believe at Tudor that working together with our families is vital in order for a child to be able to develop a love of learning and to show us their best! We encourage parentds to talk to us as much as possible, to chat and tell us about your little one, and the things they enjoy. Every child has an Online Learning Journey, provided by a company called Tapestry. Parents and Staff here can contribute and share the child's development throughout their time in Early Years and Key Stage One. Staff make assessments about how your child is progressing in all areas of the curriculum, and share it through photographs and comments on Tapestry. This is a secure site, and over time it creates a story of your child as they grow and development, which we hope families will treasure.
This is St Gregory's Church in Sudbury. This is where we go to for Harvest, Easter and some of our Christmas celebrations.

Autumn Term
Autumn Term at Tudor is always an exciting one as we get to welcome our new children into reception, and meet their families.
The children settled quickly and have enjoyed getting to know each other and our classroom and garden areas.
We enjoyed performing a Christmas Nativity to parents in St Gregory's church, and also enjoyed a trip to Shimpling Farm to create a festive wreath for our front doors.
Spring Term
We look forward to some Spring sunshine here at school now. We have been caring for the birds in our garden,making feeders, and recoding how many birds we attract in.
We have been working very hard on our writing recently too, taking care to form our letters correctly, and to try hard to write more than one sentence. We are getting very good at writing now!

Summer Term
Its been a busy start to Summer at Tudor - we have been watching tadpoles hatch and grow, we have visited Hollow Tree Fram and fed new born lambs, and also harvested rhubarb to turn into crumble back at school (it was delicious!)!