Welcome back to another exciting year at Tudor!

We have used some of our PE funding to revamp the target wall on the playground and resurfacing of the EYFS outdoor area.
Tennis Courts
Over the summer holidays the Tennis Courts have been restored and re-lined. We have also had new tennis nets and posts installed. They look amazing! We now have 3 full size tennis courts for the children to use during their PE lessons and after school clubs etc.
Tennis Coaching has started this summer.
PE at Tudor
We aim to offer our pupils a varied PE curriculum, where during their time at Tudor, our children will have the opportunity to access different sports and activities.
Each child has a PE lesson during the week, either delivered by their teacher or a qualified sports coach.
EYFS and KS1 classes have a dance coach during the academic year.
KS2 access swimming lessons at the Kingfisher Leisure centre, for one full term, per year group.
Additional sporting opportunities
We enjoyed a Coronation Ballet Dance today in assembly. Very well done to everypone who took part!
The current clubs for after school:
Ballet, Basketball, Dance and football.
These are delivered by qualified sports coaches.
During the spring term, Year 6 children have the opportunity to participate in inter-school football matches, which have been organised between Tudor and 7 other local schools.
We hope to attend events organised by our local SGO, Lisa Dalton, throughout the academic year.
Sports Day 2023!
We were blessed with wonderful weather for our Sports day this year! Not only did we have races, but a range of sponsered events with the aim of raising funds for much needed resources in school. We had cheer leading in EYFS, star jumps in KS1, beanbag throwing and mountain climbers in LKS2 and UKS2 had the plank challenge!
A big THANK YOU to the Friends of Tudor for helping us to organise the day, including the exciting dad, mum, toddler and teacher races!