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Special Needs

Below you will find various sources of information to help you better understand the Special Education Needs provision here at Tudor. Please open the document below to find out how we support each child here at Tudor. 

Our SENCO here at Tudor is Mrs Elizabeth Campbell, Mrs Emma Ince and Miss Natasha Williams. This is until September when Mrs Carrie Kinsella will be our SENDCO. 

If you would like to contact any of us please do so through the school office, either by making an appointment in person or by phoning our office manager and they will gladly make an appointment for you that is convenient for yourselves and us. 

Some quotes from parents this year:

‘I would really like to mention how great the school (particularly Mrs Munnings and Mrs Gallagher) have been in regards to my son’s speech therapy. He has received fantastic support from both the teachers. Mrs Munnings spent time researching what could be done in school to help. She spoke to me regularly to discuss goals and how he was doing’. July 2023


‘My daughter joined your school in January and she was ‘behind’ in everything. We feel she has made amazing progress across the board: her reading makes us smile every day and now she happily tells us that she ‘loves reading’. Thank you!’ July 2023


School SEN Information Report

This report gives more details as to what we offer at Tudor to diagnose and support children who present with a Special Education Needs. The second document outlines in more detail our SEND offer.


Admissions to our school for children with Special Educational Needs follows the locally agreed procedure. This is true of new intake children starting school for the very first time and for children joining us part-way through their school journey. Further details can be found at on our school information page; follow the tab for Admissions.

How do we assess whether a child at Tudor has SEN?

Presented below is a flow chart illustrating how we seek to assess children at Tudor with regards to SEND provision.

SEND Policy

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