Starting School at Tudor in September 2025
We are delighted to be able to welcome you and your child to our Tudor Family. We are looking forward to meeting you, and to showing you our school. We understand that you probably have many questions for us too. We will send out a pack after Easter time to you all that contains lots of information about starting school with us. Hopefully, this will answer many of your questions. In this pack, there are some forms for you to fill in and send back to us. Please phone us if you need any help with these forms. We are always happy to help.
We usually have two small classes of Reception children. We firmly believe that a small class, with lots of adult attention from a teacher and her teaching assistant is the very best way for young children to settle into school. Our two classes can join together by opening the double doors between the rooms for the children to free flow between them, and also into the large garden area outside.
We have recently been in contact with the local nurseries that your children are currently at. Their staff have had a little chat to us about the things that your child enjoys doing, and how they are enjoying nursery.
There is a little booklet in your pack that we sent you for you to bring in to school when you come for a tour.
On this site there is a film of our rooms for you also to watch, and some photos for you to see too.

Mrs Ince is one of our teachers in Early Years. Here she is reading We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

September 2025 Transition Arrangements
Look out for this poster and leaflets in local nursery schools. Below is it's main message -
We know from years of experience that a gentle start helps children to settle very successfully into their new big school routines. We will contact you in early summer to let you know the date and time of your bespoke starting school tour. This is for parent and child so we can get to know you all. The dates for this will be either 3rd or 4th September. If you need a date and time sooner, just give us a ring and we will help you. Your child will then come to school for half a day on Friday 5th September, and also for half a day on Monday 8th September. We know that this may be difficult if you are working, and so you can let us know on your tour day if you need your child to stay with us all day. We are always happy to help when we can! Everyone will be in school full time from Tuesday 9th September.
We will write to you all about our timetable for the start of September. We want to make this time as gentle and kind on you all as possible and we recognise the importance of each unique child and family.
Please read the letter when it comes and we hope it will answer your questions but if you do have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask and we will do our best to answer them.
You, and your child will be invited on 18 June at 3.30pm until 4.15pm to a Teddy Bear Play session. We will be in our Early Years garden and would love it if you could join us to say hello! We have a special gift for your child to take home over the summer period, to help them get ready for September. Invitations and tour dates are being sent out to families in early June.
Have a go at a few of these activities at home - they will help to strengthen your child's hands and fingers, ready for when we do some writing at school!
Threading beads or lacing cards
Play dough - squish it and squash it as hard as you can!
Picking up small pieces of paper or sequins to stick onto pictures can really make small finger nice and strong
Build lego models, or balance bricks and make tall towers.

We really encourage our parents to be involved in their child's learning and development as much as possible. Of course, this is tricky if parents work, but we use the online Learning Journey, Tapestry to keep all our parents up to date with their child's learning. We share photos and comments this way, and we hope that parents share comments and photos of the lovely things they have done at home together sometimes too.
This is a copy of the Tapestry permission letter we have sent out in your starting school packs.
Things to do
Here is a list of really useful things that you might like to start to think about, ready for when your child can begin school.
Complete the paperwork that we send out to you after Easter
Start to talk about going to school with your child, a bit nearer the time. We will add some photos on here for you to use to help you.
Share as many books and stories as you can. Never stop talking, reading, singing and playing. As a parent, doing these things is one of the very best ways that you can prepare your little one for starting school.
You might feel that now is a good time to help your child to recognise their name. Help them to read their name, and perhaps have a go at learning how to write it too.
Jigsaws and simple 'snap' games are excellent ways to help early maths skills develop. Playing these at home will really help when starting school.
Our Early Years Area
The children have made a little film to show our new families the important places in our classrooms. We hope you enjoy it!

All our staff who work in Early Years are trained in specifically supporting children to develope their language skills. We have received funding from the DfE to enable us to complete this training and purchase additonal resources to ensure our rooms are rich in language. We know how vital language development is to enable all children to develop to the best of their ability
Our Woodland Garden
We have been very busy here at Tudor, creating a new Woodland Garden for our children to play in. Here, we promote the opportunity to play amongst the trees, to make mud pies, to build with natural materials, and chat to our friends as we work and play. The children have created an insect zone themselves, and love hunting for bugs. They have also made a dinosaur world amongst the logs and tree trunks, and have become very good at inventing recipes for their mud pie play